Monday, July 5, 2010

Listowel Syndrome

I was recently asked to shoot publicity images for a project created by dancer/choreographer Emma Martin, entitled 'Listowel Syndrome'. It was a very interesting proposition; the work is based around a story that featured heavily in the irish news over the last couple of years, revolving around a conviction for sexual assault by a club doorman in the town of Listowel, and the rather strange reaction that he received from the local community upon his conviction. They basically lined up and gave him an honour guard and applauded him out of the courtroom.

The subject matter is pretty bleak, and Emma is tying it in to the legend of Faust; we really wanted darkness, a sense of despair, to come out in the images. I had in my mind as inspiration the movies of Nick Roeg, and the photographs of Cindy Sherman.

Emma had found a fabulous location out in the wilds of Co Meath, which really gave us the foundation to build the images upon, and Emma was a delight to work with; not a word of complaint, even as the late was fading and the temperature plummeting...

'Listowel Syndrome' will premiere as part of the Dublin Fringe Festival, 2010.

all images are copyright Jonathan Mitchell 2010.
no unauthorised reproduction/downloading or other use.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mo Mhorchoir Fein...

I recently shot the stills for a dance film, Mo Mhorchoir Fein, choreographed and performed by Fearghus O' Conchuir, and produced by Red Shoe productions. We shot in the church in Dolphins Barn, and were fortunate to have beautiful, mostly even light all day, diffused gorgeously through the stained glass. Have to work a little differently on set as you can't shoot during takes, only rehearsals, and you pretty much have to stay out of the way of everybody else on set! But I love shooting film stills; you have to be on your toes all the time, looking for a great moment. You generally only get one shot, especially on a shoot like this, where the entire film was shot in a day, leaving very little time for rehearsals!

Mo Mhorchoir Fein will be screened on RTE in May in a series entitled 'Dance on the Box' which is airing to coincide with the Dublin Dance Festival.

all images are copyright protected and may not be downloaded/reproduced without express permission.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Been around the world and I, I, I....

I think India is my favourite place to take street photography. There's a quality to the light, dusty, soft and diffused and a wonderful richness to the colours. And the streets in India is where all the life happens, spilled out of the doorways and tumbling in front of your lens...





Viet Nam











Viet Nam




All images are copyright Jonathan Mitchell and may not be downloaded or reproduced without express permission.

Faces in Places...

Hello, people of the interweb. I've been a little slow with the old bloggerry-doodad of late, but I'm on the catch-up now. Photographing portraits on location is my big thing, I love the contextual subtext that a location adds to a portrait. So here's a selection of my editorial portraiture that might pass a spare minute. Thanks for looking...

all images are copyright Jonathan Mitchell, and may not bre reproduced without permission.